Sunday, April 8, 2012

Pilot's Lemon Cake

My friend Pilot brought Lemon Cake to school- yummm!! And so, being me, I interviewed her. She said she also used Pilsbury, interesting. Is it catching on? I don't know! I usually use Betty Crocker.... What do ya'll use? Comment and tell me! I'll tell you the results!


I've been so busy lately... I haven't had time to blog at all! Anyway, back to the point- Cupcakes. For my friends girl scout silver award, I helped her out. It was a Reading Rocks Celebration, and afterwards, she gave me a cupcake! So I asked her some questions about them. She said they were Pilsbury Vanilla Cupcake frosting and mix. I'm not even joking- BEST FLIPPIN CUPCAKES EVER!!!!!!